Page Comments
ok put the blinker on the left side of the stering wheel. and also put 2 arows by the fuel milage right arow for turnig right and left arow for turning left and the color of the arows can be blue. so work on what I want you to work on . send something on this website about that batmobile that I want done on all the batman forever batmobiles
denton thornton on 7/28/2008 7:17:17 PM
ok I see why people cant drive the batmobile on public roads. beause yall do not have no rear end lights. so put the rear end lights on the batmobile and that way people can drive it on any kind of road so get to work on it . anyway ill give you a hint. the color of the rear end lights will have to be blue and put in a blinker.
denton thornton on 7/28/2008 6:59:04 PM
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww .........tthat is so cool i like that batmobile.
denton thornton on 7/28/2008 6:13:55 PM
oh well the keaton car deserves the most attention
C.Morris on 3/20/2006 11:42:59 AM
anonymous on 7/20/2005 7:38:54 PM
No gallery either?!?!?!?!
anonymous on 7/6/2005 3:31:32 PM
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