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Posted 1/23/2012 11:47:53 AM

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Testing 1, 2 3. Testing...

...does it come in black?

Post #85749
Posted 1/23/2012 12:01:24 PM

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According to BWD it comes in red.

Post #85750
Posted 1/23/2012 12:14:55 PM

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So I think my account is working...for some reason a couple months ago I couldn't get to some parts of the forum.

So..."everyone, everyone..."

I'm back and will be checking in and posting with more frequency. I definitely missed Shag, T-Man, BWD, all of y'all.

The last time I took "Tumbler Mini" out the steering went all out of whack. I WAS ready to start body panels because (hallelujah) a friend at work has a Plasma cutter and is willing to let me borrow it after I told him what I was doing. However I now need to ditch the steering and get a better working solution. I'm looking around...

...does it come in black?

Post #85752
Posted 1/24/2012 7:24:38 PM



Last Login: 12/26/2023 1:14:45 PM
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Holy cow its Conrad!!!! Great to see you back. Hope all is well with the family. Now lets get some building going!!!BWD
Post #85766
Posted 1/30/2012 12:43:50 PM

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Glad to see you on the board! I have been away from the board myself. I have been busy with my batman birthday parties.
Post #85788
Posted 2/2/2012 6:11:16 PM

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Awesome! I've seen some videos...looks like a lot of fun!

...does it come in black?

Post #85827
Posted 4/24/2012 6:14:47 AM

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nice work

If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal... you become something else entirely. A legend, Mr. Wayne, a legend
Post #86370
Posted 4/25/2012 9:32:01 PM

Forum Guru

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Thanks Mr 32.

I've rethought my steering setup. while the concept worked and got me going, it wasn't very accurate or at least could be better. I'm learning all the time. I want to get started on panels but had to rethink steering so i did.

first setup

new idea

...does it come in black?

Post #86393
Posted 7/17/2012 11:05:12 AM
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I like your steering idea, how is it working out?

The will to act.
Post #87204
Posted 7/19/2012 12:57:40 PM

Forum Guru

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Hey liboatsman...So far it's not working cause I have not worked on this in the past month and a half....I MOVED MY LIFE AFTER 15 YEARS of living in what my family and I made a home. New place has no garage so I lost my cave...kinda bummed. Even worse...the place I'm in now is only "Temporary" due to tennants not leaving where we're supposed to be. So now I have to keep everything in the yard until we're settled...Sucks, but at least the place we're waiting for is RIGHT next door.  I'm VERY anxious to try the uJoints and rods out, So until I get situated, Tumbler Mini will be waiting...

...does it come in black?

Post #87234
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