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Batmobile Forum
If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
From: Tim
| Posted: 9/21/2005 3:31:40 PM
Just build it
Posts: 2411
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
You don't get paid for your discretion, do you?
Last Edited by Tim: 9/21/2005 6:57:03 PM
From: youngbat
| Posted: 9/21/2005 3:57:56 PM
Posts: 150
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Just opened the door of the oven.
Whats great about this oven in terms of a CAR, is that this oven is big enough to post-cure high-temp epoxy parts, which is awesome. This is what they did at TFX on the 95 car. Like steel. The other reason is that a pro oven just can't be beat in terms EVENESS of heat, which is so damn critical words can't express. One mold or part does not block the heat to the next mold, so you can put multiple molds in the oven without fear of heat blockage. So I can be baking the exhaust of the tumbler to your right of the torso, and have a cowl mold above the exhaust, still room for other parts of the costume.
From: Baneful
| Posted: 9/21/2005 7:05:22 PM
Posts: 157
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Purely awesome Bob
now you got me all hooked on stuff other than batmobile now.
From: Justin
| Posted: 9/21/2005 9:07:34 PM
Posts: 1355
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
I know, this is dangerous!!!! I am moving into my 1600 sq. ft. facility on Oct. 1 (10 more days...) and I am pretty excited to have some extra room to work on a Batmobile. But after seeing Bob's CAVE, I am eyeballing the 2,400 sq. ft. ADDITION next to my shop that is going up for rent soon!
From: youngbat
| Posted: 9/21/2005 9:29:45 PM
Posts: 150
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Well, the batmobile is certainly part of it. But what I think makes it all special, or better is if you pick a theme, and stick to it. i.e. If you are into the 89' thing then I would strongly advise focusing your collection on just that until everything is complete and of the highest quality possible. Maybe it's just me, but I have found that collecting and/or building stuff from this movie, and some stuff from that ends up translating to alot of "stuff", long term. wheras what's exciting to you is seeing all the batsuits from Batman Forever in superheroish tubes standing behind a realistic Alfred. Soon the car will be in front of Alfred. But the car must live up to the quality of everything else, or the whole display will lose a tremendous amount of impact.
From: Jack
| Posted: 9/21/2005 10:53:26 PM
I wish
Posts: 1947
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Too many words, I'm just glad you included pictures. Awesome work. When do you expect to be back to work on the Tumbler?
From: jonhunt
| Posted: 9/21/2005 11:07:37 PM
Dark Knight
Posts: 49
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Wow ok... didn't mean to start anything lol. All I was saying is that I have emailed the Winston crew in the past and someone there (Not saying it was Steve Wang) told me they could make me one for around $15,000. And I'm in NO way trying to belittle your work. Hell if you're the guy I think you are then I have your site bookmarked as a reference guide lol. I think your work is awesome. I'm newer then you obviously to makeup effects and costuming... but I still can't see where things add up to $100,000 per suit? Not saying its not possible (not trying to make any enemies because... well... I wouldn't mind you teaching me a thing or two lol). What do you use to make the lifecast if you don't use any smooth-on products, alginate, or plaster? You talked about all those being too heavy... so do you cast arms, chest, legs, feet, and hands all seperately? Then do you piece them together to do sculpt or what? Once again I'm not critizing you because obviously you know what you're doing and I apologize if it sounded like I was. I must have misread your first post. I read it to sound like you were talking down to the guys on here about the level of labor or effort going into their projects as opposed to you making costumes. I don't disagree that costuming is hard as Hell... I'm still trying to keep it from kicking my tail on every project lol. Email me sometime if you live anywhere close to North Carolina and give lessons lol. Later all.
From: youngbat
| Posted: 9/22/2005 12:45:13 AM
Posts: 150
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Jack, am working on the tumbler now. but just not that intensly as the costume. I also have a head sculpt on my plate to do (Lost boys). Fear not the tumbler WILL come together. I have WAY to much invested in it, for it not to. besides, I dumped all my other batstuff for this.
Jon, I think that someone at Winston's may have given you a quote as a private project from them to you. Think about this: the overhead in rent, and utilities at a bldg. in L.A. is HUGE, and then regular payroll to employees(Stan Winstons!!). So, to make a profit on a 10, or 15K full pred suit would seem tough(from scratch mind you). But an individual wanting to make extra cash who has some shop access(using pre-existing molds?)... And chances are that they would either cut corners, or not be able to paint as well as say Steve Wang... What I am refering to in the original post, is that you want a batsuit. No pre-existing molds to be used. Strictly ground up build. Gotta be "A" list quality everything. Working utility belt. Internal cape harness. Custom EVERYTHING, as if you were making a big-budget batflick with complete new outfit. If I did it Here, in Michigan for 15K, I doubt I would make much of a profit, unless it was a sort of cheap and easy design.
There is also the possibility of some shops being out of work, and having to grab any job offered, and do it quick as hell just to stay afloat.. again, quality. Jordu Schell and I were going to do a low-end pred suit for someone, then Jordu suddenly got too busy when the REAL paying gigs started flowing in.
Monthly rent on an L.A. shop(buisiness property taxes, utilities, etc..).
Hourly employee wages(say 20 regular employees).
specialty guys that have to be brought in(sculptors, mold makers, and yes running foam for these types of suits requires a damn good foam runner). i.e people who have special skills not found in a "B" shop.
this ain't K-mart. We're talkin LOSANGLES.... where real estate is through the freekin roof.
Living in the Midwest, I can attest that most people have this small-town mentality when it comes to this stuff. They can't even imagine how, or why it could cost so much. My home I paid 127,000.00 for. L.A. equivelent: 1mil. 1.5 acres of backyard, 6 bedrooms, walkout ranch, circle drivway, family room, finished basement, workshop, storage room.
I have a technique to do lifecasts that require the subject to be under material for the LEAST amount of time possible. Thing you have to remember is that all these vendors have to sell PRODUCT. I played with med. grade silicone over 10 yrs ago. Not real sold on it except for maybe hands and feet. Mostly due to safety issues., and cost, and extra time having your face incarcerated. You want to cover the face for only a few minutes. Having your whole head or body incarcerated with a material that you can't easily tear out of is dangerous. some of the videos I have seen look really silly. people using one hand to scrape off the other, and still trying to put the stuff back on the guys head, all the while it's dripping on the floor. eechh..
When I worked at M.E.L. in l.a. we did a velocoraptor suit that was in a leslie N. comedy (spy hard) for 30 seconds that came to 130K. This is not as expensive as a Stan Winstons, or Steve Johnson's XFX. My cost was about 3k. and I only did one bodycast, and pulled one part.
In conclusion:: the cost AND space of a car v.s. a movie superhero suit, largly depends on the guy building it, the design, How top-notch it is, terms of components, etc.. you can have a cheap as hell car, and really high-end suit. You should have seen the BB belt at one of the Cons. Not cheap at all. You can find ways of making anything work. But there is no subsitute for great quality tools and equipment. just like a cheap car jack, why would you want it, or a lowsey welding unit. Would you want to drive in a car that had bad welds?.
From: DonC
| Posted: 9/22/2005 1:05:07 AM
Posts: 159
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Interesting oven YB....where did u buy it and how much $$
Have car but no oven...yet.
Last Edited by DonC: 9/22/2005 1:14:54 AM
From: jonhunt
| Posted: 9/22/2005 4:21:32 AM
Dark Knight
Posts: 49
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Yeah I'm following you on the price once you add in all the overhead. I knew that shops had special person for this or that, and yeah once you add up payroll and rent then yeah I see where it could easily cost $100,000. Like I said, I must have misread your first post... I thought you were saying that if I went to someone like yourself who had their own equipment that it would run upwards of $75,000 for a costume. I can clearly see where if someone wanted something straight from one of the LA shops they would have to pay through the nose. I wish you didn't live so damn far away lol. I sure would love to find someone local (or within a 3 hour drive) that would let me just clean their shop and watch them work. Its impossible to even find a college in North Carolina that uses much prothestic work, I even tried School of the Arts. School of the Arts said they mostly do theatrical stage makeups. And just try to get an assistant in North Carolina lol. Everyone asks if you've taken your daily meds.
From: wx1585
| Posted: 10/5/2005 6:38:34 PM
Posts: 12
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
wow how much did the oven cost?