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If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit |
From: youngbat
| Posted: 9/19/2005 7:32:09 PM
Posts: 150
If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
which is why I do this:
foam cowl (same material as was used in the flick)
gettin near completion.
From: Tim
| Posted: 9/19/2005 8:02:21 PM
Just build it
Posts: 2411
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
That is incredible, Bob. I mean it, you really do quality work.
From: Justin
| Posted: 9/19/2005 8:10:13 PM
Posts: 1355
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
I want! :) I will put it on my wishlist.
From: Tim
| Posted: 9/19/2005 8:18:58 PM
Just build it
Posts: 2411
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
I don't mean to speak for Bob, but let me say it before it gets out of hand. Bob, does NOT sell any of his Batman or other licenced stuff. Don't ask, it's not going to happen. We all know the troubles that would/could come with that and it's not worth it. Let's just be glad that he and some of the others on this board share their hobbies with us...
From: Kevin
| Posted: 9/19/2005 8:34:44 PM
Posts: 906
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Looks Great!!
From: Jack
| Posted: 9/19/2005 8:51:27 PM
I wish
Posts: 1947
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
He doesn't sale anything.... but how about a freebie?
It's like a Nurf Football. Simply awesome!!!
From: youngbat
| Posted: 9/19/2005 9:07:22 PM
Posts: 150
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Sometimes I actually think that makin a suit like this is
harder than the car - not kidding. Foam Latex. Not to be confused
with Halloween rubber(slip latex) or a urethane skin. You cannot
believe what goes into this. First you have to have a head to toe
bodycast of the person who will wear this thing. It has to be a
REALLY good casting. I mean skin detail. Then you have to make
master molds because you will need copies, many copies. Now you
can finally start sculpting. Then your sculpture must pristine as
all holy hell. No surface scratches. Now if you think you have copped
the look of the movie, you can make the mold. THE ONE PIECE MOLD. Notice there are no seams. You also have to retain the piece you sculpted it on because you will need it. Now you get to install plumbing. If you don't
have at least several years of experience running foam in complicated seamless suits, you probaly won't have much chance of getting it right.
Foam Latex is VERY UNFORGIVING. You can't fill an air hole, can't patch it, AND you have no idea how it will turn out until you bake the piece for several days. You can't sand it smooth, can't fix an imperfection. It is a material that will constantly punish you for your lack of understanding of it. On the other hand, when you do understand it will reward you with the most life-like lightweight, organic, elastic, coolest looking material on the planet.
From: Tim
| Posted: 9/19/2005 11:27:11 PM
Just build it
Posts: 2411
RE: If yer gona have a suit, ya gottsa have a Batmobile!!
So what is the status on the Tumbler then? Please don't tell me you've lost interest. I noticed that you removed the picture of the piece you completed. Why is that?
From: youngbat
| Posted: 9/20/2005 12:15:18 AM
Posts: 150
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Fear not. I have not lost interest, all contrair. It's just that I wanted to get this suit sort of out of the way. It is a huge project, doing the suits exactly the way the movie suits were done. Tumbler is a comin' trust me. I spend a certain amount of time each day, if not phyisicaly doing something, then I'm studying photos, etc..
The Batman Begins thing for me is about having a complete collection of this movie. I made this choice a while ago because I wanted to get one movie collection complete. car,suit, gadgets. all high quality, and as functional as possible. So, This is a long term commitment to myself. I almost made the choice to go 89', but decided on BB. 89' would have been a lot easier, as I already had most of the suit completed, and the car is great of course, but I made a choice. All of my other bat stuff is gone, need the room.
The photos I have cleared to make way for better ones, but I got this stupid camera that takes really crap pictures, so as soon as get this camera thing worked out, I am going to put up a whole bunch of new stuff. Hang in there, I promise it will be worth the wait.
From: KeatonCar
| Posted: 9/20/2005 4:49:38 AM
Hose Beast
Posts: 495
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
IF..... and it is an IF.... if you were to part with the Alfred head, or make another, which is unlicenced... well only by Michael Gouch and copyrighted by God. How Much??????
Sorry to ask Bob, but that head is out of the park, and I want an Alfred for my office/study. I want that more than any Batsuit, but Tim is right your work is awesome on everything.
A little song, a little dance..... Batman's head on a lance.
From: youngbat
| Posted: 9/20/2005 9:28:25 AM
Posts: 150
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Thanks much. You guys do good work here too.
On Alfred. You're right he's unlicenced and I sold him to help pay for the tumbler. And I threw out the mold(s). Everything besides Batman begins is either been sold, or thrown out to help pay for, and make room for BB. I still have some 89 paraphanilia, if anyone wants it. I also have some garage kits. Alien Pile, Creature core's Woman Bee, a few others. I might have some extra 89 belts, but no buckles.
From: Dee
| Posted: 9/20/2005 10:03:18 AM
Posts: 1409
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Jesus Bob that is flawless work. I'm both humbled and jealous of ur ability. U are a true artist wit an amazing talent. I think I can safely say any 1 who opens this thread will all think the same thing which is 'I Want One'.
From: Jack
| Posted: 9/20/2005 11:22:59 AM
I wish
Posts: 1947
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Bob, please please don't throw anything else away. I'll take it. I do need 89 stuff to go with my Gothic project.
From: Kevin
| Posted: 9/20/2005 12:07:19 PM
Posts: 906
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
You what about me... We talked on the phone so we are buddies, Yes?
Sent anything 89 to me forget Jack I already have!!
Your True Friend Kevin
From: Webmaster
| Posted: 9/20/2005 12:41:41 PM
Need Life
Posts: 1517
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Tim, KeatonCar, Jack and Kevin sitting on a tree....
From: Jack
| Posted: 9/20/2005 1:00:18 PM
I wish
Posts: 1947
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
Which one is Kevin? I think he is the one with the Cain up his ass!!!
From: KeatonCar
| Posted: 9/20/2005 5:14:32 PM
Hose Beast
Posts: 495
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
but for answering my enquiry
A little song, a little dance..... Batman's head on a lance.
| Posted: 9/20/2005 5:57:57 PM
Look familiar?
Posts: 311
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
"Sometimes I actually think that makin a suit like this is
harder than the car."
Quite true...
I was talking to Cory at Crusader Classis on time and I told him;
"I have air bubbles bigger than some of your parts!"
While the detail isn't as demanding when making a car, a car mold is not something you can easily do at home.
One exception... "ED-209" The Robocop nemesis was created by a husband and wife team in their home garage. This is the reason for the stunted size of the robot, so I'm told.
You can sculpt heads and gloves and small props in the corner of your basement, construction of a car of any size requires a building dedicated to the project. The more cars you do, the bigger your building. Once you've pulled a mold from your buck, you need a place to store the mold pieces while you construct the car, you need a place to keep the body you've made while you're prepping the chassis.
One car project can easily take up 3 bays and some space outside.
But I respect the work of the guys that do the props and the costumes, I love their stuff!
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?"
He MAKES them you idiot!
From: youngbat
| Posted: 9/20/2005 9:21:47 PM
Posts: 150
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
sculpting is only part of the batman costume thing. If you use these materials and make skins, and/or fill them with polyfoam. doesn't take much space:
slip latex
back any of these skins up with 2-part polyfoam, or not.
not much space, or overhead in equipment required, or even material costs.
but... foam latex...
requires an industrial size oven about 1/4 the size of a 2 car garage (yes I have one).
A HUGE mixer(that too).
overhead vents(the ammonia foam latex whipped in a 40qt mixer will knock you off your feet if you don't, your eyes will BURN).
big injection guns, like 5ft. long by about 7in in dia.
Years of experience in using large quantities of foam latex.
cape mold takes up most of the space in a two car garage(yes, if you are doing EXACTLY what they did in the movies).
you need separate rooms for:
painting the foam (need at least a gravity feed devliss auto gun, cannot use a little airbrush, yup got that, the stuff used to paint foam will stink up a room BIG TIME, safety equip..).
sewing (neoprene suit, gloves, boots,) and heavy leather sewing mach.
painting the finished foam.
should have a separate room for finished costume assembly.
Corner of the basement for a costume? Not me, other people yes, I do this
EXACTLY the way they did in the flicks.
latest foam torso:
goto to see some of the older costumes done like this. all scratch built no pre-existing molds, or pieces from the studio.
From: youngbat
| Posted: 9/20/2005 9:26:50 PM
Posts: 150
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
also, anyone who wants the belts (3 or 4?) send me an address. I am running out of room. will send the amt model, whatever else I got.
From: Webmaster
| Posted: 9/20/2005 9:37:42 PM
Need Life
Posts: 1517
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
I just sent you a PM.
Now if I disable PM feature on this site for all other users, everything's all mine mine
From: Kevin
| Posted: 9/20/2005 9:39:18 PM
Posts: 906
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
I already sent him an email so go ahead DH
From: youngbat
| Posted: 9/20/2005 10:03:09 PM
Posts: 150
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
fight, fight, fight. You guys can each get something. I got a few of the 89 movie books, as well.
Here's a real kicker for ya.
What would you think it would cost you, If you went to a "B" shop in L.A. (i.e. less than Stan Winstons, or ADI, or XFX), we'll say M.E.L. - to have them make you a Batsuit EXACTLY the way it was done in either 89,92,95,97, or 05. Now we are talking the "HERO" suit. The closeup shot one. First a price for the first one(development costs), then a price for each one after the first.
From: Jack
| Posted: 9/20/2005 10:13:15 PM
I wish
Posts: 1947
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
$75K for the first and $25k for the additional ones. Heck, I don't know. If I had that kind of money I would go to art school and then try to find a mentor/tutor like well say you, and I would become an apprentice. Then I could make them all and even my own designs. Yep, that’s ass kissing at its best. Save me a B-man costume piece or such. Thanks……
From: youngbat
| Posted: 9/21/2005 12:16:12 AM
Posts: 150
RE: If yer gona have a batmobile, ya gottsa have a suit
yer close. about a hundred grand if it's at a "B" shop in the L.A. area, or any other shop outside L.A. that operates full-time. The spiderman suits were priced at 25K, after the first one. In a phone conversation with the original predator maker steve Wang (worked for winston), He said he would make an exact rep. of the predator suit he did for Stan Winston for 100K. And it's not just shop space overhead, it's bodycasting, etc.. all the little stuff that the low-end costumers do not do.
I used to get flown out to L.A. to do bodycasts for movies. My last gig was in 96', M.E.L.'s cost for just my work on the costume came to 3K. I just did the bodycast, and pulled one piece, and that cost them 3K. It adds up quick.
During batman begins you have to have a full-time crew to maintain, and oversee the batsuit dept. during filming. You can just imagine what the bill for that would be.
The frustrating thing, is that alot of times when people think of a car, they think "oh big money", when they think of a custom made specialty costume they think " less money, and not as big a thing", when it's more sometimes, because nothing of this sort is a stock item. Engines are everywhere, wheels, tires, but where you gona find a cape that fans out like a kite on queue, or a spiderman web that fits perfectly on a person, but has dozens of complicated patterns all over, etc...