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  Actual Prop Batmobile from Returns movie located
 From: Webmaster | Posted: 6/2/2005 1:42:10 AM |

Actual Prop Batmobile from Returns movie located


 From: Justin | Posted: 6/2/2005 1:45:23 AM |

RE: Actual Prop Batmobile from Returns movie located

Is that for real?

 From: Jack | Posted: 6/2/2005 1:48:15 AM |

RE: Actual Prop Batmobile from Returns movie located

It looks like the same type that someone posted on the board recently.

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 6/2/2005 1:52:21 AM |

RE: Actual Prop Batmobile from Returns movie located

Yeah but read what it says.

We've got a car prop from the actual movie "Batman Returns"

It's posted on Internet so it's gotta be true.

 From: Jack | Posted: 6/2/2005 1:56:38 AM |

RE: Actual Prop Batmobile from Returns movie located

Damn right it must be true. Why would anybody lie about that?

 From: Justin | Posted: 6/2/2005 1:57:00 AM |

RE: Actual Prop Batmobile from Returns movie located

 From: Timb | Posted: 6/2/2005 9:14:11 AM |

RE: Actual Prop Batmobile from Returns movie located

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 6/2/2005 12:19:32 PM |

RE: Actual Prop Batmobile from Returns movie located


At least it's not Keaton Mobile.

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