Time to throw in the TOWLE!!!!!!
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Time to throw in the TOWLE!!!!!! Expand / Collapse
Posted 2/9/2006 11:38:04 PM

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Post #43864
Posted 2/10/2006 12:05:04 AM

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Post #43865
Posted 2/10/2006 12:18:54 AM

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

Last Login: 9/6/2011 12:10:05 AM
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We DO slam him to his face, Mark. We got in his face EVERY time he came around here to cause trouble. Every time he posted under a fake ID, every time he said things trying to provoke a fight, every time he made ridiculous claims that he could not back up. We all got pretty fed up with it, and now he is gone. End of story. But just because he is gone, doesn't mean we won't continue to voice our opinions about him - especially when the subject matter is in regards to trolls or "mouthpieces". Remember, up until recently, nobody could get ahold of YOU personally. Kory was the only way. It is kinda cool to see you posting yourself, and dealing with people directly. Pretty much everyone (with the exeption of a few) got fed up with talking to Kory.

As for warpage issues - perhaps you solved them all? If you have, I would certainly love to know about it. As I've mentioned, if your bodies are the straightest around, I will be glad to tell everyone how great they are. But I know Kevin or Paul could answer the warpage issues much better than I can... I remember even Dan's body had some issues with the way it sat that could not be seen easily in pictures. You had to really look from the correct angle to see it (I am pretty sure his builder took care of all those issues). In addition, I know most of the canopies available today don't fit the body perfectly without some major modifications. The reasoning behind this... I can't remember. Paul? Wanna chime in here? I know there is a backstory but it escapes me for the moment.

Anyways, don't take EVERYthing I say personally Mark, becuase I honestly don't like to fight when it is avoidable. But try to promote your work (and have Kory do the same) by talking up the positive points and explaining to us what you fixed on Brin's car before molding it? Also tell us more about your side mechanics, accessories, etc. THAT is what we all want to hear about and see - not how crappy OTHER builders are. (which is what we got tired of hearing from Kory)

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Post #43866
Posted 2/10/2006 12:40:02 AM

Come to thin side

Come to thin sideCome to thin sideCome to thin sideCome to thin sideCome to thin sideCome to thin sideCome to thin sideCome to thin side

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I'm proud of ya!
You keep trying and trying with the positive but it ain't gonna work with those guys, it's not in the cards. I know it, you know it and they know it.
Your young...add another 20 years of hard life then take another look at these type of people, they got 'issues' that run deep probably since childhood, it's easier for them to put on a image and lash out at others than it is to deal with their own selves.
Bottom line is they don't care, they're not here for the 'magic' of the cars
There just objects for financial gain ...after this runs out they'll be on to the next golden goose.

We'll still be here.


Post #43867
Posted 2/10/2006 2:02:08 AM

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I'm not gonna play this time.

I got slammed on another board and took care of that problem and didn't play there either.

I'm tired of the crap. Was tired a long time ago.

Yep... I've always said that Mark is talented. Never an issue.

But I've always said that I fault his judgement for associating with morons who cold call other people's clients and bad mouth them to attempt to have them request refunds for money to be sent to Mark for the same job.

Mark tells me they don't do that, I produce emails and wave files. He tells me they don't do that ANYMORE, and I provide info that it was done last month and YESTERDAY as a matter of fact.

I've got no problem with Mark, that's common knowledge. Silent Bob and I used to discuss him frequently.

But I have a problem with Geek and that's no secret.

Everyone's entitled to stupid friends and employees. I had an employee we all called "Sphincter Boy". (Sp?)

But a "representative" does just that... REPRESENTS you!... so what does it say about you when your representative acts like a jerk?

I had a representative who screwed over everyone he possibly could before we worked together. Even screwed me once or twice. But the guy was a great glasser and a gifted electrician. A Knight Rider builder in Florida once told me...


And he was right and I didn't listen and most recently, I got bit in the a$$ again by this guy. So now I'm paying for it and moving on.

Having morons around you in an official capacity only says negative things about you to everyone else.

But that's all I've ever said about Mark.

I want one of those Mach 5's. I think they're great... But he knows I'd splash it in a second, so I'm just waiting for the right person to buy one from him. hehehehe

Oh Justin...

The quick version of the canopy story is that Silent Bob (the grand father of almost all of the cars out there) splash molded one of Jay's cars (Gatlinburg 89... Owners! (Nitro and Nate excluded) Don't forget to pay your respects to that car should you visit... Had that car not been splashed... NONE of you would own one!) and didn't mold the outer edges of the canopy.

(Attn: Jack! Newly scanned photos to follow!!!!!!)


The canopy that Jay made was massively thick DON and ROBERT (and maybe Mark)take note! and it had a 2 inch lip all the way around the outside edges, so it supported itself just fine. Check the alignment in the pic.

Silent Bob's guys in Hemett didn't mold these edges so the canopies sagged when they were pulled from the mold and shipped. No one's taken the canopy and fitted it to the car and pulled new molds so there's some warpage issues there. The "train" section of the hood sagged as well and it seems that 89's get wider every year. There's also some warpage issues with the front passenger ???? "Pincer?", "Bumper?" whatever. Silent Bob's car sagged right there and just about every car out of the molds made from it have issues at that point.

But... while everyone's on the verge of a "who's the best?" campaign... I'll stir things up a bit (Don't I always?) and show you a pic of a long time builder of 89's (Who used to work for Jay... What? Do you think the guys who worked for him back then just "forgot"? hehehehe.

Here's a 66 out in front of his shop and I have pics of his 89's too. His cars came out of the Jay molds and were made long before Silent Bob pulled his molds. NONE of you have ever seen or even heard about HIS molds.



"Where does he get those wonderful toys?"
He MAKES them you idiot!
Post #43868
Posted 2/10/2006 2:45:53 AM

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

Last Login: 9/6/2011 12:10:05 AM
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Is this one of the guys we've discussed on the phone before?

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Post #43869
Posted 2/10/2006 5:05:29 AM



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Paul aweseome new pix and even better info. As always thanks for sharing. Oh yes I'm glad you're back.

Mark how about a shot of the body from the front?

About Kory: I sent you his email. Well what do you think? That email came to be out of the blue and I responded the most polite and professional way I could and then BAM the crap starts. I try to make piece with the guy but he doesn't want it. I don't think he wants to come here to share info and help others. If he did maybe he would have in the past. Sorry that's not meant to be a slam.

So anyway back to the pictures.

Post #43870
Posted 2/10/2006 7:02:18 AM

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Last Login: 7/17/2022 12:06:22 PM
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I’ll also be happy when that Irish Fecker gets his kit.

I love it.

Hay Mark, Is one of the guys in ur photo Kory??? Just to put a face to the name.

DE 66 IS COMING........

Believe and succeed
Post #43871
Posted 2/10/2006 9:25:56 AM

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Holy S&*T Mark! I had to take a double take at that guy next to Tommy Lee. He could be my doppleganger, right down to the smile.
Post #43872
Posted 2/10/2006 10:35:16 AM

Resident CLTC

Resident CLTC

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Kory came to this board trying to discredit others including myself. In all his post he hasn’t offered any useful help to anyone or any type of informative posts. He argued with anyone on this board that didn’t see things his way. It was evident that he didn’t do his home work on this car and just made thing up on how this car was put together along with the origin and history of the car. I have no idea where all his miss-information came from; many of his tails still linger on. If this information he is putting out came from you then shame on you Mark!

On the other hand you made many bold statements on how you had already completed a full build on an 89, Brin’s car. Brin came forward and commented that the car no longer belonged to him and it was your property. So why no pictures after so many requests, could it be because you never did the build. You also made claims of having working guns, turbines, burner section and so on we didn’t see any proof of this either, we did see one side of the mechanics section.

Several 66 owners came forward with their concerns about their builds and the quality of the workmanship. From what I saw on the 66 board you made no attempt to offer to correct the discrepancies with their cars you and Kory both attacked these members, with personnel remarks on their stature or personalities. Others would not comment on the public boards did comment on the private boards and with telephone conversations.

Clint came forward over a year ago complaining of the shoddy work done on his car, sighting that the door hinges were put together using wooden gate hinges. A bolt was run through upside-down and welded to the hinge causing the soft metal to wear out prematurely. You commented on the board many times that it was because Clint demanded that you build his doors to the same specifications as Bob Butts did them. Several times you responded saying that it was all Clint’s fault and not yours. Since then I have reviewed Clint’s video and you can clearly see that the hinges that you used are of your design and match the ones that you posted on the 66 board, just before all these issues were raised.

You recently made a statement saying on the line of how can some one make a qualified judgement on a car that they have never seen by just seeing a photo? Hasn’t Kory been doing just this very same thing for years with out ever seeing one of your cars or anyone else’s for that matter, you have never had a problem with it before. My question to you is what qualifies Kory to make these comments on this or any other board, for some one without any background, degree or real working knowledge in any of the disciplines in these areas of expertise? Would you like to inform the board what Kory really does for a living other that being your shell?


Bob Butts Hinge

Post #43873
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